(+254) 742 297 138

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Why choose us?

Our sole purpose is to provide our customers with the best quality products with exceptional service and a super price and always exceeding our clients’ expectations.


We are a one-stop-shop for beautiful flowers, fruits, herbs and vegetables.

Impeccable Quality

We provide the highest-quality products satisfying your needs while maintaining consistency.


We have over 30 years of experince in the industry and we have mastared our craft.

100% Happy Customers

We are in this business for the long haul. Our main in-house Key Performance Indicator is repeat business. 

P.O. Box 18436-00500 Nairobi, Kenya.

(+254) 742 297 138 / (+254) 748 276 446 / (+254) 790 732 575 / (+254) 712 405 129

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